Summon the next layers straight from the future

With a single click, Kangaroo generates the layers you were about to spend hours creating

It's safe to say that I use Kangaroo daily at this point. Born late to buy a house, born early to explore the galaxy, but just in time to use Kangaroo.

Duplicate Once

the Rest

The changes you make to the first layer get repeated with each new copy Kangaroo creates

Changes to Position, Rotation and Scale get repeated

Changes to any path, shape, or mask points get repeated

Changes to text color, size, font and spacing get repeated or transitioned

Make changes to an effect on the first copy and Kangaroo will repeat those changes with each new copy

Changes the color of the first copy and Kangaroo will blend between them

Kangaroo will continue the sequence of numbers you start

Changes to Time Remap can split an image sequence into different parts

Essential Graphics in After Effects lets you convert a composition into a template. You can then use Kangaroo to make copies of that template with complex variations

Freely move your keyframes around on the first copy and Kangaroo will continue offsetting them on each new copy it creates. The values of each keyframe are treated individually.

Duplicate layers in

2 Directions



Make the next copy in a series of layers


Make new copies in-between two layers


There's time to


While creating copies in-between you can make changes to your Start and End layers, then hit Rebuild to have kangaroo automatically update all the copies it created.

Your session stays live until you press OK to apply!



While creating copies in-between you can use the built-in graph editor to influence the amount of change applied to each copy.

When you are happy with the results, press OK to apply!



Click and Drag to batch create as many copies as you need.
You can even use the number keys on your keyboard to specify exactly how many copies Kangaroo should create.

More on Batch Creation

Kangaroo unlocks


Designed with so many workflows in mind
Kangaroo won't sit on your shelf of unused plugins

Educational Motion Graphics

We often have to find ways to present boring information in an exciting way. Organic repetition is a great way to do that, and Kangaroo makes it easy

Perfect Loops

Boomers and Zoomers alike love perfect loops. Kangaroo will help you nail the spacing and timing between repeating elements

Isometric Animations

With the precision of Kangaroo, placing copies in an isometric space becomes easier than ever before, and you can re-time each layer to create organic movement in seconds

Breakable Patterns

Anyone can make a pattern, but only a few make ones that challenge the viewer's expectations. With Kangaroo you can fill the screen with copies and selectively choose which ones to animate and how

Loading Screens

Loaders often use repetition to create an illusion of movement. Whether you want to place each element around a circle, in a row, or a column, Kangaroo will help you get there in seconds

3D Transforms

Use kangaroo to rotate new copies across an anchor point, and create 3D structures made of 2D layers, like this ring of text layers


With Kangaroo, you can create hundreds of copies of a layer to create a 3D extrusion effect. Kangaroo's power of accepting most properties means you can easily create color transitions, or even animate the extrusion itself

Watch Video


Using a single copy of a layer, you can create a row. Once you have a row, you can duplicate it to create a grid

Rigs & Expressions

When you reference Expression Controls in your expressions, you can use Kangaroo to create a new value for each copy, like this example where each layer traces a different point on a path as well as a different color

Let the future unveil itself

With Kangaroo for After Effects

Does Kangaroo apply expressions to my layers?

No Expressions!

Kangaroo keeps your project clean and does not force you into a workflow that is not your own.
Use Kangaroo to achieve the result you want, and then continue to work on your project as you normally would.

Is Kangaroo hard to use?

Kangaroo is easy to use

All Kangaroo does it predicting your next steps and automating them for you.
Most of the time you will only need to click one button to get the result you want. It doesn't get easier than that.

Will Kangaroo take up a lot of screen space?

Kangaroo is small and compact

With only a couple of buttons, you will barely notice Kangaroo is there.
You can even make the panel width smaller to force it into a single column.

When the contents of the panel are bigger than what you can see, you can scroll to see the rest.

Is the Kangaroo panel dockable?


Kangaroo behaves like any other panel in After Effects.
You can dock it anywhere you want, or choose to keep it floating.

Will the Kangaroo punch me in the face like a real Kangaroo?

No (probably)

But if you do get punched in the face by a Kangaroo, please send the community a video of it

Macbook Pro

Bring joy back to motion

Kangaroo can pay for itself after

1 hour and 6 minutes

of use
Kangaroo can save you


per year in productivity

Based on your daily rate of


How are these numbers calculated?

Technical Specs

v.1.04     Latest

Supported Apps: After Effects 22.0+

Version: 1.04

Type: zxp

After your purchase is complete, you will:

🔑   Receive your license key
📦   Receive a download link

You will then be able to download, install and unlock Kangaroo on your computer.


Your license key goes with you

You can quickly deactivate your license on one computer and activate it on another.


14 Days Returns

You can get your money back within 14 days of your purchase.


Free Incremental Updates

You will be able to download all future updates for free until the next major version.

If you buy a license today for version v.1.04, you will be able to download all updates until v.1.99

Extension Panel

Kangaroo is built upon Adobe's Extension Panel technology which allows for better UI and UX over traditional scripts. It will be available under Window > Extensions.

Made for happiness

All tools, including Kangaroo, are designed to help you be more productive and have more fun mixing art with your job.

Learn More about Happiness


Indie Development

Buying Kangaroo supports an independent developer and helps me make more tools for you. Thank you for your support!

The End User License Agreement and License Terms will help you clarify any questions you might have about your purchase.


Previously purchased Kangaroo?
Visit the download page to get the latest version.

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Indie Development

Buying Kangaroo supports an independent developer and helps me make more tools for you. Thank you for your support!